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  • Create music in minutes
  • Build musicians as avatars
  • Preserve your audio legacy

The Audio Experience (AX) Platform

幸运中国168体彩网,幸运飞行艇开奖官方历史记录,官方168飞艇最新开奖结果. We believe that augmenting with audio represents our greatest opportunity to improve the way people live, enjoy and communicate.

We contribute to human progress by empowering people to express themselves, live in the moment, learn about the world, and have fun together.

  • Hiqh Quality Audio
  • Low Latency and Energy
  • High Security and Privacy

We enable new kinds of digital business and verbal communication that help you get your message across through personalized audio.


music in minutes

No matter how you look or where you are, be yourself and focus on your sound.


musicians as avatars

Offer outstanding audio experiences to your audience no matter who you are as human.


your audio legacy

Overcome finiteness and let your community listen to your sound even after your death.

Minutes Of Listening

Cups Of Coffee

Hard Workers

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We turn complex requirements into intelligent solutions. It’s something we’ve been perfecting for years, and we’re proud of our expertise.


Compose your own music with our audio services by using our well documented APIs.


Empower your community to join an outstanding audio experience they never experienced before.


Augment your human existence with musicians as avatars and let them be more than one.


Audio lasts forever and even longer when exposed to artificial intelligence.

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It might be a cliché, but our team truly is our greatest asset. We are an ambitious, talented bunch, and we’re always on the lookout for more superstars to join us.

Michael Zoelzer

Chief Vision Officer

This could be You

Chief Technology Officer

This could be You

Chief Product Officer

Thomas Reiners

Strategic Advisor


  • We offer well developed Apps for our customers and well documented APIs for developers to access our services.

  • We strongly believe that the focus on pure audio lowers the barriers of interaction.


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